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Help save this mountain. Our Lady needs your help.

“…I wish to call on you to protect it and that the oasis always be unspoiled…”

Our Lady Queen of Peace, Medjugorje June 26, 1986

Help save the cross

1st Phase Goal: $4 Million Dollars
Raised $3.4 Million as of May 2021

2nd Phase Goal: $2 Million Dollars

Total Goal $6,000,000

Remember, even $1.00 donations are like a drop that fills a bucket,
one drop at a time.

To save the oasis, the need is for $1 drops and $100,000 drops.


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Donation Total: $100.00

The Incredible Story Behind the Cross Built for the Soul of America
Read more about it here

We are in a battle, a battle you can help win. You are a participant, in real time, in a beautiful plan Our Lady has laid out. It is an incredible story that will be passed on until the world’s end. From generation upon generation, you are helping to leave a legacy that is helping the Queen of Peace, to the end of time, bring about the conversion of this nation and the conversion of the world.”

– Founder and Builder of the Cross
COC Trust Mission Building

A good part of the infrastructure behind the preservation of the Cross and mountains is already established in the form of a trust. The management of the trust is under a well-established organization, in operation for 35 years.

You can also make your tax-deductible donations to save the Cross over the phone.

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You can mail your tax-deductible donation to:


100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive
Sterrett, Alabama, 35147 Fed. Tax Id# 631219612
Make all checks payable to “The Queen of Peace Land Endowment”

10 thoughts on “Saving the Cross”

  1. Della Caraveo

    Yes! Beautiful presentation. Important to keep a place of silence and prayer opened for future generations. “Oasis” I remember growing up on a small farm and the sheep passing through our land being taken up to the mountains. My gran father was a sheep herder. That was his work. Little by little all that disappeared. Just as the sanctity of marriage and family. This is a call to keep holy. The lands and ourself. Our Lady has chosen a beautiful mountain sight to be preserved. May all who see; listen from the heart and seek understanding through this great gift God has given us. Time with Mary. Come Holy Spirit…thank you Della

  2. Cheryl Sullivan

    I also visited Medjore in 1993 I pray moms pray that will saved I know that through power of it shall saved

  3. I prayed to Mama Mary to grant me the grace to be able to visit Caritas with all of my family. Within minutes she literally moved me to make my way to our office where the computer is, my intention was to go online to buy jeans for my son! She had other plans! I visited the Medjugorje website as I had wanted to view the 15 minute presentation but knew that I did not have the time to view it today. I clicked on the link to “Read Here First”. I read the comments. Not waiting to watch the presentation I went straight to make a donation. I have since watched the presentation with my children. I have faith that Mama Mary will grant the grace that I was asking for, for my family and I to be able to visit Caritas soon. I want the Cross saved. I will keep all of Caritas in my prayers for Our Lady’s intentions, for our conversions. God bless you! Thank you! My 10 year old daughter adds “We NEED the Cross saved”. My 8 year old son says “They’re going to destroy that land and put up buildings?! We CANNOT let that happen!!!” Peace be with you!

  4. Thank you so much for this presentation of SAVING THE CROSS. I pray the Rosary everyday and I am very impressed by the beautiful Cross. I will be sending my donation today and I thank the Blessed Mother and Jesus for their Love. I have not been to Alabama or Medjugorje but I have DVDs of these places and its almost like being there. Again, thank you for this presentation. I am saving this and I will watch it again and again.

  5. Daniel Kortes

    What a eye-opening presentation showing the overwhelming human footprint and over-building on past locations where Our Lady came to convert hearts. I too, was at Caritas in the Field of Apparitions in Alabama on July 1-5, 2012 and was converted back to the Catholic faith after being away for almost 41 years. I could write a small story of what happened to me on my way to Alabama and Caritas where evil tried to stop me many times, and my conversion at Caritas. Since then, I have been thinking of taking a trip to Medjugorje but, now realize I have missed my chance with all the hotels, business, stores, and restaurants now taking away the beauty that was “Medjugorje.” Thank you Caritas for maintaining the holiness that I felt on your grounds, the Field of Apparitions, and the beauty of the area surrounding your property. We must save the Cross built to save the Soul of America!

  6. Doris Forsyth

    What an amazing and beautiful presentation this was!! It brought back so many treasured memories of all the places I had visited…. brought tears to my eyes… I have been to Caritas several times; but I have not been there since the “Cross” was erected on the mountain… it is so breathtaking… like a firm monument to Our Lord and Our Lady for Our Country. I am hoping to get there this summer. Thank so much for a “Friend of Medjugorje and Caritas community” – may God Bless You and Our Lady watch over you and give you her Special Blessing (which I received in 2009) to help you fulfill her plans.. I pray for you and with you all for the “saving of the Cross on cross mountain”. Blessings,

  7. God’s peace,doing a 54 day rosary novena, normally its the 2nd thing I’ve been doing in the morning, using the random message when setting it up couldn’t help but watch, than I opened Poem of the Man God, again out of sequence, vol 1 of 296, 45.8…And they take place even now. But, as in the past, the world does not accept. Well, I will not give up. I will repeat Myself to save you and persuade you to have faith in Me. Thank you Jesus, Thank you Mother Mary, and Thank you all at Caritas! Prayers


    Yes! yes! yes! the oasis MUST always be unspoiled. I do not doubt the Maternal Love of Our Lady is present in each of Her Sanctuaries, but, modernism, consumerism, materialism are monumentally patent there, and then, how difficult it is to experience that Maternal Love.

  9. Connie Thomas

    Beautiful presentation! It brought back many Blessed & Happy memories! Beginning Today, I will add “Saving the Cross” to my Daily Prayers! I will pray to know God’s will for me in helping “Save the Cross!” Thank you for putting the presentation together! It truly helps me see what can happen if we choose not to “Save the Cross!” I was in the Field of Apparitions in Alabama, on July 3, 2012, when Marija was told by Our Lady, “Form and make prayer groups through which you will pray for your healing and the healing of this nation to draw closer to God and to Me.” Marija then prayed over us for our healing and the healing of this country. The people in Medjugorje made the Cross to save the village. You likewise have made a Cross to save a country! May God continue to Bless you, “A Friend of Medjugorje” and the Community of Caritas! I Give to You, “The Blessing of the Blessed Virgin Mary!” A Blessing I personally received in 2009 in Medjugorje! I will always be grateful to You & Caritas for making that Dream a Reality! Thank You and may God Bless You for “Saving the Cross!”

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